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a family of four huddled together in a living room looking at a mobile device

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Prospective Tenant FAQ

A: maintenance emergency is something that, if it isn't repaired immediately, could cause injury, threaten your health, or cause serious property damage. These things could include:

  • A broken water line or flooding
  • Fire (call 911 first, then maintenance)
  • A broken gas line or leak (natural gas smells like rotten eggs)
  • A broken lock on your door
  • No air conditioning in hot weather
  • No heat in freezing weather
  • A sewer back-up that is flooding your apartment

Not every maintenance issue is an emergency. If, for example, you have a minor drip under your kitchen sink that can be contained with a bucket, you'll definitely want maintenance to take a look, but it isn't an emergency. Here are some other situations where you could probably get away with submitting a routine maintenance request:

  • A broken air conditioner when the temperature outside is below 90 degrees
  • A broken heater when the temperature outside is above 50 degrees
  • Your ice maker stopped working
  • The stove burner isn't heating up
  • There's no hot water
  • A lightbulb went out

If you determine that the issue isn't an emergency, you should still go ahead and submit a maintenance request to be handled during normal business hours. Be aware that it may take a few days to get the issue resolved since the maintenance team will handle emergencies before tackling other repairs, so be patient.


Sometimes, other factors may help you determine when to submit a maintenance request. For example, if you get up for a midnight snack and notice that your fridge isn't as cold as it should be, this is a problem that needs to be solved quickly but it could probably wait until morning if you keep the refrigerator door closed until then.


If your air conditioner goes out, most apartment communities consider this an emergency only if the weather outside is above a certain temperature (i.e., 90 degrees). The same goes for your heat. If it isn't freezing outside, then it isn't considered an emergency. Before contacting maintenance, try to determine why your air conditioning or heat isn't working. If your utilities were shut off due to nonpayment, maintenance can't help. You'll have to call your utility company. If the power is out due to bad weather, maintenance won't be able to resolve this issue either.


Getting locked out of your apartment isn't necessarily an emergency. You could call a locksmith to help you get back in rather than calling emergency maintenance. (You could also hide a key or give one to a trusted friend or neighbor so getting locked out isn't an issue.)


If the power goes out, it could be an issue with the electric company. Maintenance can't help in this instance, so call your electric provider and see if there's an outage before you contact maintenance. Also, check to see if it's the entire building or just your apartment. If it's only your unit, try flipping the circuit breakers, reset the GFI breakers, and check the fuses.

Most apartment communities don't consider a partial outage an emergency. For example, if a wall switch or outlet malfunctions, unplug your items and turn off the circuit breaker. This is usually considered a non-emergency, so submit your maintenance request during normal business hours.


There are some things you could probably handle, such as a clogged toilet, a burned-out lightbulb, or a dirty air filter. While major or dangerous repairs are better left to the experts, smaller issues could be resolved quickly without a maintenance call. Some tools to have on hand include a plunger, some 9-volt batteries, spare lightbulbs, and air filters. To replace an air filter in your air conditioning unit, look for the current filter and note the size. Replace it with the same size filter by following the instructions that come with the new filter.

If your smoke detector is beeping because the batteries are low, replace them. Take the smoke detector down and locate its battery compartment. Swap out the old batteries with new ones. Don't remove the old batteries and not replace them! That's dangerous and could even be a violation of your lease. Via

A: Yes, but every roommate needs to be approved. They can get approval by using a rental application form. After filling out an application, they must pay the application fee, and wait for the screening results. Skipping any of these steps violates the lease and could lead to termination.

A: No, installing new locks on your own would violate the lease agreement terms. It's possible to install a new lock upon request and approval; this may be a tenant charge depending on the situation.

A: If there's a need to enter the property, we'll notify you beforehand. There are many possible reasons for the entrance of managers or staff. For example, landlords may enter the home for emergency repairs. Also, they might allow insurance agents or inspectors to enter the property. But regular maintenance is preferably carried out when you aren't away from home.

A: Yes, all the tenants need to have renters insurance before moving in. You have to show a renters' insurance confirmation before getting the keys.

A: You need to give written notice at least 60 days before terminating the lease. Our office has to receive the notice in writing by the 60-day mark, just ask your Tenant Services team for the correct date if you're not sure.

A: You can make a Pet Screening Profile. See this flyer for more information or visit